% cv template using the davide-cv latex class






% Title
	\AddressStreet{The Street 111}
	\AddressCity{4444 The City}
	\ContactPhone{+55 (5)55 555 55 55}
	\BornDate{66.Jan 1977}

% Education


	{Master in the art of doing something somewhere}
	{1988 - 1999}
				\subentry{diploma}{Master of International Activity}
	{Bachelor in the art of never not doing anything}
	{1955 - 1966}
				\subentry{diploma}{Bachelor of Zen Science}
	{Some School}
	{1933 - 1944}
	{Another School}
	{1911 - 1922}


% Experiences


	{Waiting for nothing}
	{February 1911 - October 1911}
				\subentry{tasks}{waiting somewhere for something.}
	{Doing one thing for a really short time}
	{August 1922, just for 1 second}
				\subentry{tasks}{doing one thing fast.}


% Knowledge


	{Some Languages}
				\subentry{Language}{Just heard it once
				\subentry{Manguage}{No prior knowledge
				\subentry{Nanguage}{Knew it once but I forgot

	{Other Languages}
				\subentry{Oanguage, Panguage, Qanguage}{Always knew them}


% Links
				\subentry{A Website}{\url{http://www.website.com/}}
				\subentry{Another website}{\url{https://www.wabsite.com/}}
				\subentry{A third website}{\url{http://www.wobsige.com/}}
	{My Favorite Links}
				\subentry{A website on projects}{\url{http://a.lot.of.projects.com}}
				\subentry{A website on websites}{\url{http://what.are.websites.com}}
